Tag Archives: christianity

Things I’ve Learned During a Season of Rest

I’ve recently been on a two month break from my business that my husband and I are starting. We currently have a coffee trailer and are trying to get our brick and mortar building open. We not only took a break from that, but also a break from anything that wasn’t “necessary”. I’ve learned several things during this short period…or maybe some I have learned before but haven’t slowed down enough to let those lessons sink in until now.

  1. Life never stops. It’s funny how even as we have been actively trying to rest, things keep coming in trying so hard to fill the gaps of our lives. Fight the urge to fill up your schedule too much. Busyness doesn’t equal fulfilling God’s call for your life. Sometimes we like to fill our schedules so full, just to seem like we are doing something worthy of Lord. I’m NOT saying don’t work hard…but make sure your motives are in the right place.
  2. Sometimes people aren’t going to understand your vision and that is okay. God has called each person to their own part of His story. Understand what GOD has called you to do and don’t let anything or anyone deter you from that.
  3. Opening a business is HARD but also fun. I really have enjoyed the many people we have met through this journey. Starting a business is not for the faint of heart.
  4. Family is the most important thing, right behind your relationship with God. If your relationship with God isn’t right nothing else matters, but also if your relationship with your family isn’t firmly rooted…nothing else matters. We let ourselves get so busy that we miss the most important things. Don’t let yourself get too busy.
  5. Simplify your house. Time is SO precious…don’t waste it cleaning up the same junk over and over again. If you don’t need it, get rid of it.
  6. Take care of your mental and physical health. If you are not taking care of yourself, everything in your life will become more difficult. Try to find people in your life that you can share your struggles with. We are not meant to struggle through this life alone.
  7. Take time for your children. Also, let them be a part of the process. Let them see you solve hard problems and also let them see you SERVE people. Our children learn so much from us, let them see us using our time in an edifying way.
  8. Take time to talk to your spouse about things that are not ministry or work related. Your whole identity as a couple CANNOT just be these things. Find a fun thing to do together frequently. Don’t let ministry become your idol or your whole identity.
  9. Learn to rest in the Lord. Don’t fill up every second of your life with noise. I’m still trying to figure out how to live this one out. I’m always filling my brain with podcasts, music, books, tv. We need quiet sometimes so they we can hear the next steps from the Lord.
  10. Family meetings help SO much. If you’re in ministry or work together, set aside time once or twice a month to make sure that you are on the same page.

These are just a few of the things the Lord has been teaching me lately and I am so thankful that we had a chance to breathe for a minute. I am so excited to see what the Lord has for 2023!